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The project is part of a 1100-acre cement plant. It comprises of various departments along with a control room to monitor all critical processes of cement generation, control room, research & testing labs, Conference rooms, Training rooms, Gymnasium, library and cafeteria.
A linear space twists organically in plan creating a large landscaped courtyard within it. Varying sectionally, the floors are lifted from the ground at the southwest and northeast sides to facilitate south westerly breeze through the courtyard.
The north east and north west corners of the building too are lifted creating singular large volumes at these ends to allow visual contact between floors while housing a cafeteria and a library.
The circulation spine skirts the internal courtyard allowing landscape to be visible whilst moving through the office and the work areas skirt the external periphery opening towards external gardens.
The building shape generates its longest sides oriented towards the north with angled and louvers on the other faces directing the internal spaces northwards thus allowing indirect light throughout the day into all the internal spaces. With all areas naturally ventilated and naturally lit, the indoor spaces are breathable and not dependent on air conditioning and artificial lighting thus rendering the building energy efficient.
The external fins are angled as per the direction of the sun reducing heat gain and glare and creating a comfortable environment within for the users.
The large internal open landscaped courtyard has sheltered open spaces that can be used throughout the day. It is shaded on all sides and acts as a gathering space for large events and for recreational activities.
The Courtyard CCR Lab derives its principles from the traditional Indian courtyard houses creating spaces that vary in volumes and in orientation allowing open spaces to be integrated with enclosed ones and creating energy efficient work spaces.
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Agency: SANJAY

Sanjay Puri Architects have been ranked at number 32 on Archello’s list of Top 100 architects worldwide and are listed in Arch daily’s list of Top 100 architects worldwide and in the WA UK top 100 architectural firms as well as the Architizer New York’s top130 architecture firms in the world.
Winning the Overall Sustainable Design firm of the Year in the Architizer A+ Awards New York 2024 , Winning the WA UK International Architect of the Year 2024 , The Best Completed Building – Production Energy & Logistics in the World Architecture Festival, Singapore 2023, Createurs Design Awards-Best residential project worldwide Paris 2023, The LOOP Design Awards -Best Large architectural firm, The Best housing Project worldwide in the World Architecture Festival , Lisbon 2022, The LEAF Awards London, Best interior project 2021, the firm has won over 475 awards including 350 International design awards. Sanjay Puri Architects is number 1, topping the Architizer List of Best Architecture Firms in India for consecutive years and is the only Architecture Firm to have won the CW Construction World India's Top Ten Architects for 19 consecutive years.
The firm with founding partners Sanjay Puri & Nina Puri have won architectural projects in Australia, Spain, Montenegro, UAE, Oman & Dallas USA and are currently involved in the design of projects in 51 Indian cities.
Sanjay has been on the jury of the World Architecture Festivals in Barcelona, Singapore, Berlin, Amsterdam & Lisbon being the first Indian architect to be on the jury. Sanjay has also been a judge for The Architectural Review Awards, UK, Dezeen Awards, UK, The Plan Awards, Italy, Inde Awards, Australia and been a speaker at several international & national conventions.
Sanjay is a registered member of the RIBA, UK, Society of American Registered Architects (SARA, New York), Indian Institute of Architecture (IIA), Indian Institute of Interior Designers(IIID) and has been a part of the Heritage Conservation Committee, New Delhi.
With a current firm strength of 108, evolving design solutions that are contextual and sustainable and creating spaces that explore spatial perceptions, with new design directions forms the essence of the firm’s design philosophy..