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Design "do not break can not stand", we broke the division of all space, reorganized the spatial structure, so as to flowBrief introduction of the application work
Vertical through, opened the space of the "Ren governor two veins." According to the needs of the owners, as well as the understanding of the structure of the space, re-combing the space pulse. The pattern of space is like the pattern of the master, insinuating the attitude of the master in dealing with the world. Against the master.
The personality traits of the space have achieved freedom, openness, fluency, momentum and both in function and beauty.


Engaged in interior design for more than ten years, pursuing the home aesthetics of "art life, life art." Looking for the emotional connection point between people and space. And natural language as a medium, to contemporary design techniques as a method, to create a distinctive personality and full of vitality of the space