Professional Award  

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-- Design of Commercial Exhibition

Moran Hot Pot 130m2

Moran is the name of this restaurant’s name, the name of the symbol in Chinese history, the Traditional Chinese landscape image. At beginning, to bring the similar words image into design is what user expected on this case. Therefore, the project is created with same expectation.
“Mo” in Mandarin means ink, in traditional Chinese way of drawing, ink can be used to describe many conceptions. Based on the pronunciation, “Ran” is the meaning of Natural, getting to the earth, be friend of earth, are what the user’s target while given this name. Green, natural and traditional Chinese style are the main subject of this design.

At front door, there is a gray stone wall before entrance with Moran Chinese letters image circled by the green grass as based. To used the nature materials to point out the Logo and combine with the shop image. After entry, the reception on the right hand side is built with black marble stone and Natural oak wall. Starting with these two items brings whole Chinese style painting image into whole space. Each tables are isolated by the Chinese style’s screen partition but still keep as part of the open area. The Calligraphy style wall paper is used on the side wall and gray brick wall on the kitchen side’s wall to Beijing, China.
In Asia, hot-pot restaurant are very often to find in each area, This projects shows the differences on the subjects of the combination in the Chinese style and Nature, ink wall paper, grass, oak, stone and others materials. On the other word, this spatial image will attract and share the confidence for those who enter this space as the user’s expectation 0n shop’s name, Moran.

Song Hanlin

Yann Lin Interior Desing

Master of interior design, University of science and technology of China

現任 : 桃園市室內設計裝修商業同業公會 理事長
台灣室內設計裝修商業同業公會全國聯合會 監事
桃園地方法院裝業調解委員會 委員
彥霖室內設計裝修工程有限公司 總監
瀚美建設開發有限公司 總經理 亞太T’DesignAward室內設計大賽 主席
學-講師專業技術人員 審查委員 實踐大學推廣教育部室內設計系 講師
中國科技大學室內設計系 講師
萬能科技大學營建系 講師

Character Award
Agency Award