The project is located in a scenic area facing Qinhu Park on the east of Changshu, Suzhou city. In the early 1980s, the low-lying mudflat of Qinhu village was turned into a park called Qinhu Park, the first public garden invested and constructed by farmers in Changshu. In 1988, Qinhu Park was open to the public. Bridges, pavilions, lofts and chambers were erected by the ethereal vast lake. The chanting of the fishermen called forth the delights of a typical Jiangnan water town. In the childhood memories of many Changshu locals, Qinhu Park at that time was their "Disneyland on water". However, as time wore on, the facilities and constructions of Qinhu Park seriously deteriorated due to the humidity and difficulty in maintenance. In 2010, it was finally dismantled and demolished by the Changshu Municipal Government. In the subsequent years, the land where the Qinhu Park had been was left in neglect and quietly reclaimed by nature, its traces of human activity fading with time. In 2018, however, the government launched a redevelopment plan to bring Qinhu Park back to the citizens. The park will again be embedded in the childhood memories of the coming generations of the Changshu people. Thus, this project was born.
The design scheme of the sales office of Qinhu Town focuses on a return to nature, as articulated in a play of curves. Structurally, it draws on the design of a variety of famous art museums. The ordered alignment and intersection of curves and circles bring out the streamlined beauty of modern art. The downward momentum of the cascade directs the eyes to the center of the structure; and the circulation inside moves upward in a gracefully smooth manner. The simple and bright color scheme, the orthogonal and stately facade as well as the rotund and substantial interior all contribute to the visual pleasure of this project. The sales hall on the first floor exchanges the conventional complicated functional partition for a straightforward layout, which accentuates the scale model area in the middle. The designers believe the scale model area should represent not only a futurist vision but also a retrospect of the past, to follow the fluctuating fortunes, the dismantlement and redevelopment of the Qinhu Town. To this end, the designers reproduce the landscape of the bygone era of Qinhu with a circular lighting of the dome. The feathery garland that wreathes the circular light is reminiscent of hovering wild gooses and wandering clouds, symbolic of the circular nature of time as well as demise and rebirth.
In contrast to the atmospheric layout and decor of the first floor, the second floor is designed around user experience. The floor-to-ceiling windows offer great lighting, and the wall decorations are minimal. In light of the circulation design, the second floor is divided to serve different functions: small talk, formal conversation, leisure and work. The leisure area is close to the elevator and exit so that visitors can come and leave conveniently. The combination of metal and glass heightens the lightness of the structure. The slender lines and gentle contour of the interior echo the quietly rippling lake waters. The sparsely placed furniture and fixtures soothe the mental strain of the visitors; and the contrast of fullness and emptiness inside renders the lakeview outside even more pleasant and congenial. Besides, the compact spatial arrangement of the office area shortens the walking distance to improve communication and efficiency. In this way, the employees will not be unnecessarily interrupted, which ensures a stable and smooth service.

Shanghai Puli Architectural Decoration Design Co.,Ltd
Puli Design is the leading innovation-driven space aesthetic Design agency in the industry,Focusing on high-end real estate projects, commercial Spaces, clubs, creative offices, high-end private residences and other Spaces to provide professional, efficient and high-quality 3D digital visual space design and one-stop home soft decoration customized services.